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Nascent State office of Public Guardianship Confident in Expansion-Opinion (Article)

OPG In Depth

Duties and Services

The duties and services of the Colorado Office of Public Guardian (OPG) is codified in the Office of Public Guardianship Act, C.R.S. §§ 13-94-101 – 13-94-111 (2017, 2019).

Pursuant to § 13-94-102 (2)(I), C.R.S. (2017), the Colorado Office of Public Guardian shall provide guardianship services to indigent and incapacitated adults who reside in the 2nd Judicial District/Denver County:

  • Have no responsible family members or friends who are available and appropriate to serve as guardian;
  • Lack adequate resources to compensate a private guardian and pay the costs associated with an appointment proceeding;
  • Are not subject to a petition for appointment of guardian filed by a county adult protective services unit or otherwise authorized by section § 26-3.1-104, C.R.S.

The OPG does not handle finances for clients.

Reporting Requirements

BY January 1 of each year, the director shall submit a report to the senate and house of representatives judiciary committees, or any successor committees, concerning the activities of the office. At a minimum, the report must summarize the office’s work over the prior state fiscal year in providing guardianship services for indigent and incapacitated adults and identify any notable efficiencies and obstacles that the office incurred in providing guardianship services during the prior state fiscal year.

Standards of Practice

The Colorado Office of Public Guardianship adopts the National Guardianship Association’s:

The Colorado Office of Public Guardianship strongly encourages staff to become a Center for Guardianship Certification (CGC) National Certified Guardian and National Master Guardian: https://guardianshipcert.org/about-certification/

Operating Policies

The Colorado Office of Public Guardianship incorporates the National Guardianship Association’s Standards throughout its Operating Policies.

Policy 1. Mission and Values

Policy 2. Adopted National Guardianship Association Standards

Policy 3. Organizational Structure

Policy 4. Personnel Standards

Policy 5. Fiscal Standards

Policy 6. Program Services Standards

Policy 7. COVID-19 Services Standards

Policy 8. Ensuring Systemic Equity (Forthcoming)